Module 1: Getting Started: The AutoCAD Interface
- The application menu
- The ribbon and panels
- Dialog boxes
- The status bar
- Logging into A360 Drive
Module 2: Getting Started: Drawing Simple Geometry
- Lines, arcs, and circles
- Polylines, polygons, and splines
- Using Zoom and Pan
Module 3: Getting Started: Annotating Simple Designs
- Text styles
- Single line text (TEXT) and multiline text (MTEXT)
- Dimension styles
- Dimensioning simple designs
- Adding a simple table
Module 4: Getting Started: Communicating Your Design Intent
- Creating a simple titleblock
- Defining your page setup
- Adding new layouts and scaled viewports
- Using annotative scaling
- Printing and plotting
Module 5: Exploring the Interface Further
- Using workspaces
- Working with the file tabs
- Using the navigation bar
- The shortcut menu
Module 6: Using Units and Options
- Setting drawing units
- Converting drawing units
- Editing and managing options
- Working with templates (DWT)
Module 7: Navigating Drawings
- Working with the ViewCube
- Model space and paper space
- Saving and restoring views
- The mouse and mouse settings
Module 8: Drawing More Objects
- Rectangles and polygons
- Points and donuts
- Ellipses
- Isometric views with elliptical arcs
Module 9: Modifying Objects
- Selecting objects
- Using Move and Copy
- Using Rotate and Scale
- Creating and using arrays
- Using Offset and Mirror
- Using Stretch and Lengthen
- Using Trim and Extend
- Using Break and Join
- Using grips and grip editing
- Using boundaries
- Using Fillet and Chamfer
- Using Divide and Measure
- Editing polylines and splines
Module 10: Drawing Accurately
- Using Grid and Snap
- Working with coordinates
- Using Dynamic Input
- Direct distance entry (DDE)
Module 11: Hatching and Gradients
- Using the Hatch command
- Using the Gradient command
- Editing hatches and gradients
Module 12: More Text Techniques
- Aligning text
- Framing text in a titleblock
Module 13: More Dimensioning Techniques
- Editing dimensions and dimension overrides
- Breaking and spacing dimensions
- Using Continue and Baseline
- Automatic dimensioning
- Using multileaders
Module 14: Object and Layer Properties
- Working with object properties
- Changing the linetype scale
- Using Hide and Isolate
- New layers and the layer dropdown menu
- Using the layer tools
- Working with layer states
Module 15: Reusing Content
- Using groups
- Creating and inserting a block
- Redefining block definitions in a drawing
- Using the EXPLODE command
- Creating a simple dynamic block
- Using WBLOCK
Module 16: Attributes and Tables
- Creating a simple block with attributes
- Enhanced Attribute Editor
- Working with table styles
- Designing a table
- Adding fields to a table
Module 17: External References (XREFs)
- Working with XREFs
- Attaching and overlaying XREFs
- Altering and clipping XREFs
- Editing XREFs
- Editing XREFs in place
Module 18: Working With Layouts and Annotation
- Locking viewports
- Freezing viewport layers
- Adding a titleblock
- Using annotative text styles
- Using annotative dimensions
- Using revision clouds
Module 19: Creating Output
- Plotting from the Model and Layout tabs
- Packaging with eTransmit
- Batch plotting
- Outputting to different file formats
- Autodesk Design Review
Module 20: Other Drawing Management Tools
- Drawing Compare
- Live Worksho