จัดอบรมที่สถาบันไอทีจีเนียส กรุงเทพมหานคร ในหลักสูตรพื้นฐานการเขียนเว็บแอพพลิเคชั่นด้วย Node JS ระยะเวลาอบรม 2 วัน ดำเนินการสอนโดย อ.สนิทวงศ์ กมลภากรณ์
- What is Node.js?
- Installing Node.js
- Understanding the global object and global timing
- Importing the core modules
- Handling events
- Creating child processes
- Reading, writing, and removing files
- Working with file streams
- Making http requests
- Serving files and JSON data
- Installing npm, the node package manager
- Working with Express, the web server framework
- Using WebSockets
- Testing and debugging Node.js code
1. What Is Node.js?
- Node.js history
- How Node.js works
2. Installing Node.js
- Installing Node.js on a Mac
- Installing Node.js on a PC
3. Node Cord
- The global object
- Argument variables with process.argv
- Standard input and standard output
- Global timing functions
4. Node Modules
- Core modules
- Collecting information with Readline
- Handling events with EventEmitter
- Exporting custom modules
- Creating child process with exec
- Creating child process with spawn
5. The File System
- Listing directory files
- Reading files
- Writing and appending files
- Directory creation
- Renaming and removing files
- Renaming and removing directories
- Readable file streams
- Writable file streams
6. The HTTP Module
- Making a request
- Building a web server
- Serving files
- Serving JSON data
- Collecting POST data
7. Node Package Manager
- Installing npms locally
- Installing npms globally on a Mac
- Installing npms globally on a PC
- File servers with httpster
8. Web Servers
- The package.json file
- Intro to Express
- Express routing and CORS
- Express post bodies and params