Training includes
Understand the language used to develop applications function perfectly and started building apps based on function.
1. Learn the basics of the language and tools.
- Installation development tools like Xcode.
- Programming Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
- Programming with Swift 2.0 (for iOS).
- The difference between Swift with Objective-C.
- Make Sytax and API based Swift.
2. Swift started writing through various gimmicks. Need to Know
- Naming Class and Function
- NSObject known and Syntax in succession (Inheritance).
- Creating objects in Swift and Obj-C.
- Creating Default and Custom Constructors in Swift.
- About Data-Type needed Scalar Data-Type and Pointer Data-Type.
- Mutable known and Non-Mutable Data Collection.
- About ID Data-Type and writing Polymorphism.
- Categories with the Method Injection, an advanced technique.
- Dynamic Data Type Verification
3. Development of Apple iOS with English Swift.
- Syntax basics such as Variable, function types.
- The announcement Class, Protocol, Extension.
- The API uses such as Array, Dictionary, String, println and more.
- Class inheritance Class Inheritance
- The init constructor and custom constructor.
- Creating a Bridging-Header Files for use in communication between Swift and Obj-C.
Understand the functioning of Cocoa Touch and fully Connected to the Native Database.
4. Start writing iPhone Application
- Xcode 7.x taught using the latest version.
- Creating projects and editing projects.
- Learn UIApplication Flow that is triggered when an application was opened.
- Learn to create applications and computer applications, starting with the empty project in order to understand all the elements.
- Learn the Model-View-Controller (MVC).
- Sandbox-Folder structure and the interior of the iPhone.
- Try doing that with workshops explaining the various relationships.
- UiApplication, AppDelegate, Window, UI View.
- ViewController
- Storyboard, Navigation Controller, FileOwnner
- IBOutlet and IBAction
- Creating a file XIB, Storyboard to create a User Interface up a manual.
- Writing applications and applications without file XIB (many cases need to write yourself).
5. Drill building and operating of. UIViewController And the sequence of events known Delegate Methods conditions.
- The screen will not load.
- The screen will appear, the screen displayed.
- The screen is gone, the screen is gone.
- Conditions of the Low Memory Warning and writing application functions to support.
6. Using Widgets and all matters relating to the UI, for example.
- Animation for the app offers even more attractive look.
- Management UIView to support screen rotation.
- Use IBAction and IBOutlet advanced.
- Creating a Custom Table Row UITableView and professional.
- Creating NavigationView Controller and UIBarButtonItem
- Loading attached to the Application NSBundle.
7. persistent data management (Persistent Storage) Advanced (Dynamic and Bundle).
- (Property List) File .pList
- (Relational Database) Sqlite3 which is compatible with Android.
- The database created from the outside, both command-line and GUI SQLite Manager.
- Learning problems that often occur with SQLite as Thailand Language Encoding.
8. Management UI with large-screen iPhone 3.5 ", 4", 4.7 ", 5.5" "(iPhone 3,4,5,6,6+), for example.
- The recommended bundle font free fonts and beautiful.
- Capture screen size
- To make the app function supports both conventional screen, retina 3.5 "and retina 4".
- Conditions of the Low Memory Warning and programming to support this state.
- Customizing the UI to deal with iOS7 and 8 perfectly.
Taught Advanced features in Development of Connectivity and Applications with Advanced Network.
9. Multi-screen as well. TabBarViewController and UINavigationController
- Installation NavigationController different either through the storyboard and programmatic.
- Creating such a UIBarButtonItem Reusable and Custom.
- Understanding Changing Screen Normal and a Modal UIViewController.
- Segue to use to trap the transition between the screen and the screen. ViewControllers
10. Using Gesture different patterns to trap the touch screen Tap, Pitch, Rotate.
- Writing Private API and caution in order not to hit the Apple Private API Rejected.
- Writing apps functionality to support multiple languages with a technique of Localization.
- Write an application to connect to the Internet with AFNetworking Library.
11. The Webserver on OS X.
- Writing code to look and Professional with Pragma Preprocessor.
- The written application form Multi-Tasking Custom Threading with the modern division of labor can have multiple Core-CPUs.
- Advanced Thread Handling - Communication between Main and Custom Thread.
- Basic Image Processing Techniques example.
- Compression Quality Compression
- Designed to accommodate a screen Retina Display.
12. Fetch a mySQL Database Server with the Format in JSON, XML and Installation of Native Email, Twitter and Facebook and Connect
Webservice (lectured extensively both OBJ-C and SWIFT).
13. Reading XML data using (Advanced Parser).
- Technical Walk Through
- Capture XML Start Tag, End Tag and Found Character.
Applications for the Development of Web Map Service and Advanced.
14. The development of an application form. Location-Based System which is compatible with GPS and Map.
- Fetch coordinates with the Core Location Framework of Location Tracking System with GPS, Wi-Fi.
- Know the limitations of the iOS Simulator to simulate and coordinates solution.
- Conditions detection coordinate changes.
15. iPhone programming interface Webservice both Soap and Restful.
- Webservice connection as a self-sign SSL or untrusted HTTPS.
16. Install Apps on Maps application with GoogleMap SDK.
- Getting Google Service API Key
- Enabling users to interact with the map.
- The coordinates of the device via Wi-Fi and GPS.
- Pane or Zoom principle to the (local) place.
- The Advanced Zoom to aim it at one point, the group coordinates appropriately.
- Creating a Place Marker Annotation or that can interact with users.
- Search by name, location coordinates and Geocoding search by name, location coordinates Reverse Geocoding.
- Draw a path with Google Direction API.
- Draw and customize the polygon MapView.
17. Understanding the Universal Storyboard to manage multiple screen sizes.
- Constraints on the techniques of making Autolayout efficiency.
- The problems that often arise in the Autolayout.
18. Prepare drug with everything up before Submit Appstore.
- Submit Application for the iPhone Appstore
- The Configure File Info.pList Submit valid before the AppStore.
- IPhone Developer Program subscription model.
- Creating a signing key, digital certificate to use in the process of installing applications or device.
- Defined app and device ID in iTuneConnect.
- App icon design techniques and tools in the UI design efficiency.