Module 1: Introduction to .NET Core
- Overview of .NET Core
- Framework Architecture and Advantages
- .NET Core Supports
- .NET App Model
Module 2: .NET CLI
- Working in DNX, DNVM, DNU
- Introduction to .NET CLI and CLI Commands
Module 3: Introduction to ASP.NET Core
- Understanding ASP.NET Core
- ASP.NET Core Features
- Detailed Understanding in ASP.NET Core 1.0, ASP.NET MVC5 and ASP.NET WebForms
Module 4: Model, View, Controller & Actions
- Model, View and Controller
- Types of Views
- Creating Controller
- Communication between Controller and View
Module 5: Razor View Engine
- Understanding Razor View Engine
- Razor View Engine vs. Web Form Engine
- Razor Syntax and Razor Statements, Loops etc.
Module 6: Routes & URLs
- Introduction to Routing
- Defining Routes
- Attribute Routing
Module 7: Helpers
- Understanding Html Helpers
- Tag Helpers, Inline Helpers, Custom Helpers and URL helpers
Module 8: Server-side Data Receiving Ways
- Action Parameters
- View Models/Objects
- FormCollection
Module 9: Reusable UI Components
- Creating ViewModel
- Understanding ASP.NET Core MVC Validation
- Need of Server Side and Client Side Validation
- Validation with Data Annotation
- Custom Server and Client side validation
Module 10: Data Passing Techniques
- ViewData, ViewBag and TempData
- Session
- Query String
- Cookies
- LINQ Fundamentals
- Understanding LINQ
- Advantages of LINQ
- Query Based Syntax and Method Based Syntax
- Deferred Execution vs. Immediate Execution
- SQL Joins with LINQ
- Lazy Loading vs. Eager Loading
Module 11: LINQPad
- Understanding and Configuring LINQPad
- LINQPad Querying SQL Server database
- LINQPad Querying DAL layer DLL using
Module 12: Introduction to Entity Framework Core
- ORMs used with .NET
- EF6 vs. EF Core
- Advantages of Entity Framework
Module 13: Database Migration, DB Procedures and Functions
- Entity Framework Code First Migrations
- Updating Database when the Model Changes
- Calling Stored Procedures and functions
- Code First with existing Database
Module 14: Repository Design Pattern and Unit of Work Design Patterns
- Understanding Repository and UOW Design Pattern
- Need of Repository Design Pattern
- Need to Unit of Work Design Pattern
- Implementing Repository and UOF Design Pattern
Module 15: Dependency Injection
- Understanding Dependency Injection
- Need of Dependency Injection
- Implementing DI
Module 16: Introduction to TypeScript Data Types and Variables
- Issues with Plain JavaScript
- Introduction to TypeScript
- Advantages of TypeScript
- Getting Started with TypeScript
- TypeScript Data Types
- Variable declaration
Module 17: Classes and Interfaces
- Classes
- Access Modifiers
- Constructor
- Inheritance
Module 18: Introduction to Angular2 & Angular 10
- Introduction to Angular
- Advantages of Angular
- Overview of Angular1, Angular2 and Angular 10
Module 19: Angular 10
- Setting up an Angular App
- Running an Angular App
- Understanding Angular folder structure
- Angular Initialization Process
Module 20: Components, Modules, Decorators
- Understanding Component
- Creating a Component
- Understanding Modules
- Understanding Decorators
Module 21: Angular CLI
- Introduction to CLI
- Creating new project – ng new
- Building Project – ng build and ng serve
- Ng CLI options
- Creating components, services and directives etc.
Module 22: Data binding
- Understanding Data Binding
- Attribute Binding
- Two-way Data Binding
- Event Binding etc.
- Choosing Appropriate Data Binding
Module 23: Routing
- Understanding Routing
- Defining Routes
- Routing Building Blocks – Routes, Router Outlet and Router Link
Module 24: Directives
- Introduction to Directives
- Built in Directives – ngIf, ngFor, ngSwitch etc.
- Creating Custom Directives
Module 25: Pipes and Components
- Introduction to Pipes
- Angular Built-In Pipes
- Creating Custom Pipes
- Nested Components
- Data sharing between nested components
- Components Life Cycle Hooks
Module 26: Angular Forms and Controls
- Introduction to Angular Forms
- Types of Angular Forms – Template Driven and Model Driven
- Template Driven vs. Model Driven
Module 27: Model Driven Form
- Angular form input controls
- Angular form validation
- Angular form and controls properties
Module 28: Introduction to Web API
- Introduction to SOA and REST
- REST Principles
- Understanding Web API
- Choosing between WCF and WebAPI
Module 29: Angular SPA
- Setting Up Angular App using Visual Studio
- Building and Running Angular using Visual Studio
- Consuming Web API using Angular
Module 30: ASP.NET Core MVC Authentication: Identity
- ASP.NET Core MVC Authentication Options
- Introduction to Identity
- Implementing Identity
Module 31: ASP.NET Core MVC Pipeline, Middleware and Filters
- Exploring ASP.NET Core Pipeline
- ASP.NET Core MVC Middleware
- ASP.NET Core MVC Filters
- Extending ASP.NET Core MVC Filters
- Configuring ASP.NET Core MVC Filters
- Securing ASP.NET Core MVC App
- Implementing Authorization using Authorization Filter
- Passing Logged in User Info Across the App